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Daily Bread

St Mary's Cathedral Basilica
5221 Spring Garden Road
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 1Z3

The Daily Bread Outreach Program started out as a few people working out of the St. Mary’s Cathedral Glebe 15 years ago and has since grown into one of the largest Ministries at St. Mary’s.

The Daily Bread welcomes between 125 and 150 people a day, the funding for which comes almost entirely from public donations.  We also work closely with organizations such as Nova Scotia Legal Aid and local business such as Sobeys who donate supplies and services. 

The Daily Bread welcomes all of those who wish to gain a deeper understanding of the message of Christ and how it is made manifest in our everyday lives.  Because of the need to maintain the dignity and the security of the guests of the Daily Bread, all volunteers are interviewed and background checks are conducted. 

During his Earthly ministry, Jesus placed special attention on the poor and commanded his followers to minister to the least fortunate amongst them and to treat them with dignity and respect.  This call went beyond mere social obligation; this was a commandment from God that was to be followed.   

Following the example set by Christ, the Daily Bread provides food and hot and cold beverages in a welcoming, safe and supportive environment for the poor, from Tuesday-Friday from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm in our courtyard between the cathedral and the Glebe, entrance off Spring Garden Rd. 

A team of volunteers arrives every morning, Tuesday to Friday, to organize and prepare the food and drinks before opening to receive guests at 1:00 pm. Ministry coordinators gather to go over the roles the volunteers will serve that day, bring up matters that require closer attention and have a short prayer for those they are to serve. These roles range from greeting people at the door, to serving food and drinks, and picking up needed supplies.

Our volunteers come from all walks of life, with many coming from other Parishes and from outside the city center.  It is not unusual to see current and retired priests and members of religious orders, or past and current Pastoral Council members working along with them.  Everybody who volunteers is united in the goal of serving those in our society who need it the most.

To donate online go to and select The Daily Bread Outreach Fund.